Found inside – Page 844This is the reason is whether an ordinance of the kind set forth why mere æsthetic considerations cannot jusby this ... and the apartment house is attacked in the city of Youngstown no more healthful upon the ground of noise ; but people who ... Found inside – Page 15... meet Chicago's environmental ordinances governing noise levels at O'Hare . ... The 10 companies , United States Steel , Inland Steel , Youngstown Sheet ... Found inside – Page 1238... on railroads , to which was referred the ordinance to grant $ 6,600,000 , in order to complete its line with full equipment ... On the 14th Presbyterian Church , complained that the noise of the trains of July last the Cleveland , Youngstown and ... Found inside – Page 335The board of aldermen of St. Paul , Minn . , on March 5 passed an ordinance requiring the Twin City Rapid Transit Company to ... shall be kept in a reasonably good condition of repair , " the object being to reduce the noise of the cars and to prevent accidents . ... Tne Mahoning & Shenango Rallway & Light Company has applied for an extension of its present franchises in Youngstown for a period of 11 ... Found inside – Page 665For each city of Youngstown no more healthof such districts , regulations may be ful and better spot in which to reimposed ... safety , special regulations . or morals of the district , or of the If the ordinance in question is city of Youngstown , will be impaired valid as an exercise of ... facts in the case , morals , or safety , such a restriction does not legally constitute a upon the ground of noise YOUNGSTOWN v . Found inside – Page 327The city council of Youngstown , Ohio , has passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale and use of fireworks without a permit . ... The manufacturers of fireworks and noise - producing merchandise have been bombarding him with letters in an ... Found inside – Page 100testified to by those parties in Youngstown they received the first load , if they discova ! ... and it was the contract for that reason , and refuse to ordinance , and in the name and interests of wholly within their province to determine receive any more ... noise and disturbance , indecent this Court toÊ»set aside that finding of the jury . the Police Court in the arrest , trial and or disorderly conduct or assemblages ... Found inside – Page 192WOOD PRESERVING AS APPLIED TO PAVING NO NOISE NO SLIPPING ... whom are connected with the Empire Portland cement works at Warner , N. Y. The Youngstown Garbage company , Youngstown , O. , was incorporated July ... 7 against the validity of the ordinance providing for the paving of Gaston - st . with brick . Found insideAnti - Noise Ordinance , 33 . Public Ownership of Street Railways , 39 . ... 0- Trouble with the Garbage ComErie , Pa . - Bicycle Ordinance , 7 . ... 42 Bertillon System , Youngstown Will Use . Co - operation , Police .. 1 24 Demoralized , St. Louis ... Found inside – Page 897The tains and inspectors and other police offi- ordinance as drawn compels the driver to Because of his experience in hearing stop if he ... at the request of District Atan automobile is approaching from the ficient noise for the protection of life and torney Whitman , on Friday ... take in view of the York City have been subpænaed to appear The city council of Youngstown , O. , is danger to be apprehended . Found inside – Page 338ated in the post - World War II period , 123 many local ordinance ... dirt , noise , fire and barricades on their boundaries through exclusion or too ... Found inside – Page 177558 The fine for making unnecessary noise or failing to drive at a speed not faster than ... Mo .; Yonkers , N.Y. Charlotte , N.C .; and Youngstown , Ohio . Found inside – Page 6Detroit , Michigan is handling traffic noise pollution through better ... new , or are drafting noise pollution control ordinances ILLINOIS INDIANA MICHIGAN ... Found inside – Page 411... NOISE CAMPAIGN . recent examinations thereunder have developed several companies ( Youngstown Vindicator . ) ... in the determination of tho enriching the promoters . health officer at Columbus to get through an ordinance against noise ... Found inside – Page 91Comprising the General Ordinances and Special Ordinances of General Interest Together with the Rules and Regulations of the B. of H. and the Bd. of Water Works Youngstown (Ohio). noise and disturbance breach of the peace , shall , upon conviction thereof , be fined in any sum not less than one dollar ( $ 1 ) nor more than fifty dollars ( $ 50 ) . Sec . 177. Whoever being the keeper or occupant of ... Found inside – Page 274THE YOUNGSTOWN ( OH ) GAS LIGHT COMPANY MAKES A REDUCED Mr. Stone also presented a resolution ... On Sunday , December 20 , a visitor at the Central the advisability of passing an ordinance authorizing the sale of the ... and claimed that no light , he struck a match , and then there was both light and noise . Found inside – Page 529cil : 19 descent or a curve , and “ due caution ” at NOISE . ... By an amendment offered by Mr. Mooney , of Youngstown , the numbers on the rear of an auto must be 4 inches in height instead of 3 , and must be ... First Taximeter Ordinance . Found inside – Page 85Fifth International Heat Transfer Conference Aircraft Noise Suppression Building Noise Construction Noise Effects of Noise on Man Enforcement ... Noise Reduction at Source Neighborhood Noise Noise Measurement and Instrumentation Noise Ordinances Rail Transportation Noise Reduction ... Fluidization Fluidization 1 - Co - Chairmen : L. Reh , Lurgi GmbH , and L. V. Szirmay , Youngstown State Univ ... Found inside – Page 338ated in the post - World War Il period , 123 many local ordinance ... dirt , noise , fire and barricades on their boundaries through exclusion or too ... Found inside – Page 49Being the Revised Ordinances Passed March 27th, 1882, and the General Ordinances Passed Thereafter to July 1st, 1886 Youngstown (Ohio) A. E. Knight. CHAPTER XXI . ... Penalty for permitting noise and 160. Tramps may be furnished ... Found insideCities have experienced an unprecedented rate of growth in the last decade. More than half the world's population lives in urban areas, with the U.S. percentage at 80 percent. Found inside – Page 240... insurance rates ; protects the practical education among its members . adjoining properties ; is free from noise ; least of 5 ... To have ordinances enacted governing the in worker has been issued by the Youngstown Sheet & stallation of warm ... Found inside – Page 23Philadelphia lately has been hates a cry - baby ; sooner or later he wants to wring its pointed to by many newspapers that have not been told neck to stop its noise . ... TERMS OF THE YOUNGSTOWN FRANCHISE Other developments in franchises during the year were To bring the ... poses of the ordinance , was fixed at $ 4,000,000 , on which tional period of ten years . the company was allowed a 7 per ... Found inside – Page 192WOOD PRESERVING AS APPLIED TO PAVING NO NOISE NO SLIPPING ... whom are connected with the Empire Portland cement works at Warner , N. Y. The Youngstown Garbage company , Youngstown , O. , was incorporated July ... 7 against the validity of the ordinance providing for the paving of Gaston - st . with brick . Found inside – Page 111VAHEY & Casson , attorneys on behalf of their clients , who are all THE ordinance passed by the Youngstown , O. , City ... One of the other be bad by fitting an ordinary stop cock on the outside of the building , points at issue is the noise said to ... Found inside – Page 161Nuisance ordinance , prohibiting discharge of fly ash , soot , gasses , noise , etc . Oak Park , 111 . ( a ) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Require a general inspection of ... Youngstown , Ohio ( a ) . . . . . . . . . . Can be declared a nuisance by the City Council and ... Found inside – Page 190Beaches - Ordinance Prohibiting Erection of Buildings on Upheld Where village ordinance prohibits erection of any new structures on beach and sand dune ... Noise_Ordinance Prohibiting at Certain Times with Certain Equipment City noise ordinance prohibiting the use of noise - creating steam ... City of Youngstown v . Found inside – Page 111VAHEY & Casson , attorneys on behalf of their clients , who are all THE ordinance passed by the Youngstown , O. ... One of the other be bad by fitting an ordinary stop - cock on the outside of the building , points at issue is the noise said to be ... Found inside – Page 139BiliBoard Regulations , 33 : Anti - Noise Ordinance , 33 . Public Ownership of Street Railways , 39 . Juvenil ... Bicycle Ordinance , 7 . Chief McMahon , 67 . Ft . Wayne , Ind ... 42 Bertillon System , Youngstown Will Use . Co - operation , Police . Found inside – Page xvChicago's reduction of noise ordinances , 491 . North Carolina . University Y. M. C. A. work with Negroes ... Spread of Trachoma among employes of Youngstown Sheet and Tube Co. , 111 . State - city labor exchange for handicapped people ... Found inside – Page 8939C. C. 527 , 12 0 . for hackney coaches where it does not clearly C. D. 517 . appear from the ordinance and the facts al- ... on the ground of and the noise is no greater than is common public nuisance : Trustees V. Youngstown , in a populous ... Found inside – Page 327The city council of Youngstown , Ohio , has passed an ordinance prohibiting the sale and use of fireworks without a permit . ... The manufacturers of fireworks and noise - producing merchandise have been bombarding him with letters in an ... Found inside – Page 631The court held that the phrase , “ noise or loud sound " was made definite by adding that it must be plainly audible or ... Mahoning County 2002 ) , the court held that the loud music ordinance , Youngstown Municipal Ordinance 539.07 ( b ) ( 1 ) ... Found inside – Page 126Well , it has a railroad running through and an ordinance against mufflers . Rogers is a casual gathering of frame buildings ... But Youngstown is much more than steel mills , noise , bustle , and a bottle of cold beer . Here is where the Monday ... Found inside – Page 723-76 - A , entitled , “ An ordinance - to Lend sections 1 and 2 of ordinance 23307 - B , entitled , : An ordinance Chorizing and empowering the veland & Youngstown Railroad mpany to lay , construct , main1 and operate a railroad across tain streets in the ... In a district spaces could be provided for V where smoke and noise are still eshicles to turn and go out of the yard tablished conditions , and adjacent to ... Found inside – Page viReduction of noise by novel track construction , 469 Elevated railway valuation committee . ... Open doors on pay - within cars , 159 Ordinance changes , 60 , 130 , 197 , 926 , 1068 , [ Smith ) , 1113 , 1185 Association , 534 -Cleveland . Southwestern & Columbus Ry .. Freight traffic , 96 -Cleveland & Youngstown Ry . Found inside – Page 185A Comprehensive Digest of American Cases that Interpret Or Apply City and County Ordinances. Am . Jur ... An ordinance which provides that causing or making of any unnecessary loud noise or shouting or yelling or ... City of Youngstown v . Found inside – Page 42NASH: The secret of the success of the Philadelphia ordinance his been the moderate enforcement which they have carried on. They are using ... The noise came largely ... Mr. Lloyd: We have had a very interesting experience in Youngstown. Found inside – Page 206INDEX Police power ( B ) Anytime a noise ordinance of a municipal corpora ment during designated hours deprives a minor of ... The Youngstown ordinance concerning playing a motor vehicle - Evidence audio system at an unlawfully high ... Found inside – Page 832Several arrests have been recently made for violation of the ordinance requiring garbage to be given to the Dayton Reduction ... Take Pains to Explain New Garbage Regulations Youngstown , 0. ... flat wheels or loose equipment either on the vehicles or on the structure and track , tending to make an unnecessary noise . Found inside – Page 124Anti-Noise Ordinance Passed.--An ordinance has been passed and awaits the ... Dr. James A. Sherbondy, Youngstown, was operated on in the City Hospital for appendicitis, June 16. Dr. William D. Deuschle, Columbus, is suffering from a ... Found inside – Page 705... purpose of construc an ordinance which would require the candlepower tungsten lamps with pris ting and operating a ... at a price of $ 5,000 a tion of property - owners who indicate smoke and noise . that they are willing to pay a fair share ... Found inside – Page 705L. troduced in the city council , March 30 , candlepower units , to burn from dusk un- YOUNGSTOWN , O. The city by ... Five additional lamps will council will probably pass an ordinance public utilities . ... at a price of $ 5,000 a He believes the tion of property - owners who indicate smoke and noise . that they are willing to pay ... Found insideWomen played a vitalrolein allphases of environmental reform—noise andsmoke ... of a major antismoke ordinance; similar campaigns were waged in SaintLouis; ... Found inside – Page 190Private Roads — Prohibiting Certain Sales of Land Thereon Ordinance of Village prohibiting sale of land on private roads “ used for access to ... Noise Ordinance Prohibiting at Certain Times with Certain Equipment City noise ordinance prohibiting the use of noise - creating steam ... Peekskill Parking Au- of Youngstown v . Found inside – Page 177558 ) The fine for making unnecessary noise or failing to drive at a speed not faster than a walk on a hospital street is $ 10 ... Springfield , Mass .; Jackson , Miss .; St. Louis , Mo .; Yonkers , N.Y. Charlotte , N.c .; and Youngstown , gstown , Ohio . Found inside – Page 44The sixty-nineyear-old mayor of Youngstown, Ohio, sporting slicked-back hair and a ... the well struck near an underground fault.63 “When the noise stopped, ... Found insideDopt . - Noise on privato property Roduced street noivo Lovered general noise lorol No complaints Taotoriou do not pruction ... general nois . lovel HO Yonkers , N. Y. R. J. Thitney City Manager Tos June 3 , 1941 No Youngstown , Ohio John 1. Found inside – Page 23Everybody hates a cry - baby ; sooner or later he wants to wring its neck to stop its noise . ... utility management and public authorities in many cities gave thoughtful consideration to the merits of those ordinances which had been subjected to actual test . ... Other developments in franchises during the year were the following : New form of service - at - cost plan became effective in Youngstown , Ohio , Jan. Found inside – Page 177Portland , Ore . refers only to load noise . 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