Found inside – Page 206Distribution of Hospitalizations in the Two Treatment Groups According to Age , Sex , and Duration of Hospitalization Wax MicroenMatrix capsulated KCI KCI ( % ) ( % ) Age ( yrs ) < 60 7 ( 28 ) 4 ( 25 ) 260 18 12 Sex M 10 ( 40 ) 6 ( 38 ) F 15 10 ... Found inside – Page 90424 PK of logKM logK log B2 log K , log K. log Bo Ref . MHL 3.72 Metal Method I T HL HUL- H.L2- HLCa 2+ 0.1M - KCI 20 2.20 2.70 9.75 10.65 Cd2 + gl 0.1m - NaNO , 20 2.20 2.70 9.75 10-65 Hg2 + Hg 0 1m - NaNO , 20 2.20 2.70 9.75 10-65 ... Found inside – Page 2791 ) 50 ° C , 2 ) – 48 ° C , 3 ) – 60 ° C , 4 ) -90 ° C , 5 ) – 196 ° C . TICI : KCI / H2O 15 4 Optical Density ( Arb . Unit ) 2 11 saturated by KCl is equal to that of KCI : TI crystals as H. Fromherts ) has reported . This energy shift is caused by the ... Found inside – Page 170The facts motivating K-Ci & JoJo right now are clear. As one half of the multiplatinum early-'90s quartet Jodeci, the Haileys came up with a patented recipe ... Found inside – Page 26600.48 0.38 0.40 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.50 0.52 0.54 0.56 0.58 KF F : 12 F ( MSA ) KCI K + TIMSA ) CI * ( MSA ) K + KCL CI1 F - IMSAT K + ( MSA ) 1 mol dm - 3 , 25 ° C AB 7.135 A dx = dci = 2.98 , df = 3.7 Å pure KF -- KF KF = 1 KCI KIMSA ) KCU CI F ... Found inside – Page 47996.04 13.42 13.56 theory ( f ) K , CI , BrOz ( a ) – K , CI , IO3 ( 8 ) 5.40 10.72 11.66 5.29 exptl . K , CI , BrOz ( a ) + 11.40 – K , CI , BrOz ( B ) + 10.56 1.111 Vaß / vBy theory 1.246 1.162 K , CI , IO ; ( ) :: K , C1 , 103 ( 8 ) 1.131 1.054 1.160 It should be ... Found inside – Page 706 NaCI KCI NaCl NaCl KCI KCI Ti3 + T18 + Ti2 + Ti2 + : ETI = 0 . 86 Tis + Ti2 + : Ti - 0 . 75 - 13 . 9 + I + TIT + 8 . 2 - 4 . 9 + 1 . 0 - 21 . 0 - 26 . 1 - 48 . 1 + 9 . 6 + 11 . 5 - 26 . 0 - 24 . 9 - 40 . 2 * Equilibrium ratio in Na Cl . fEquilibrium ratio in Kci . Found inside – Page 65Table I SYMBOLS AND SUBSCRIPTS OF PRIMARY MIXTURES Mixture Components System Subscripts NaCl + NaBr KCI + KBr NaCl + KCI NaBr + KB ( Na , K ) C1 + ( Na , K ) Br Na ( C1 , Br ) K ( CI , Br ) ( Na , K ) C1 ( Na , KİBr ( Na , K ) ( C1 ... Found inside – Page 112Effect of cation substitution on the transport of MeAIB and BCH into soleus muscle 1 DISTRIBUTION RATIO Omitted Salt MeAIB BCH Susbtitute ( isoosmolar ) 1.44 + 0.11 1.14 + 0.02 Control Na + K + CaCl2 CaCl2 Choline Ci NaCl 1.33 +0.15 ... Found inside – Page 1130At the end of the equilibration period , the rings were stimulated with 105 mM KCI Krebs solution ( KS ) . ... High KCI KS or high KCl Ca2 + . free KS was prepared by replacing NaCl with equimolar KCI . found that K + depolarization of plasma ... Found inside – Page 37Sylvite ( KCI ) is the major potash mineral used as potash fertilizer under commercial name muriate of Potash . ... at present as extraction of K * from polyhalite and conversion of the same into KCI or KNO3 remained economically unfeasible . Found inside – Page 277l KCI . . . KCI . . . . KBr . . . . KBr Mc 3 . 570 4 . 632 1 . 160 2 . 339 4 . 992 0 . 0164 0 . 6165 1 . 0675 2 . 374 d l 1 . 1385 1 . ... 463 1 . 1040 409 NH . NO , 11 . 95 1 . 2116 308 NH , Cl . 1 . 118 1 . 0146 466 NH . CI . 2 . 470 1 . 0312 411 NH . CI . Found inside – Page 146Like other KCI products they have been well - received and today form part of original equipment for leading textile machinery manufacturers all over the country . These jockey pulleys are also used as replacement spares by textile mills . Atherosclerosis and high circulating levels of oxidized low density lipoproteins (oxLDL) are considered among the most important risk factors for the occurrence and development of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Found inside – Page 15KCI 200 KCI 300 NaNO3 150 NaNO3 at start and after bloom 450 NaNO3 100 KCl at start ; 150 NaNO3 100 KCl after bloom 300 KCI 150 NaNO3 at start : 100 KCI 150 NaNO3 after bloom 300 KCI 450 NaNO3 at start ; 100 KCl 150 NaNO3 ... Found inside – Page 508KCI . Baci , or 2K CI - Baci , inflection at 35 mole % BaCl , KCI . CdCl2 ; 4KCI . CdCl , inflection at 50 mole % KCI , maximum at 20 mole % KCÍ KCI . PbCl . : 2KCI . PbCl2 minimum at 55 mole % KCI KNO3 . AgNO , convex towards composition ... Found inside – Page 244Effect on Potential on Na*-K+ Substitution Substitution of Na1 for Kf in the KCI bathing solution at constant pH 5-8 caused a hyperpolarization of about — 6mV in the KCI-pretreated tissue, again agreeing with Cram (1975). Paired comparison ... Found inside – Page 93Consider the integral K(ci, cK) for i = k. Its value depends on 6 c (i). Let 6 c (i) be chosen so that K(ci, ci) assumes its absolute maximum. Found inside – Page 118TABLE 4 ( Summary ) Internal Cuts of the System K , Ca || CI , SO , Composition of original mixture of components ... are used here and in Table 5 : A - K so , 2CaSOv B – A - K so , 2CaSO , B — 2K SO , 3CaSO4 , C- CaCl , KCI , X - CaSO4 . Found inside – Page 10K - Ci & Jojo , a new album and a new start People have been wondering what K - Ci & JoJo of Jodeci have been up to . They ' re in an L . A . studio with Babyface working on the last song for their new CD . Rodney Jerkins did their first single ... Found inside – Page 32Ca Mg Na K K CI F M F M F M F M F M 1 tr . 223 241 ... CaCl2 KCI . . . . . CaCl2 12 137 133 110 378 25 24 200 + 201 254 131 193 . . . . . . 250 46 40 18 117 70 41 11 74 64 138 18 17 14 61 50 83 101 11 Stems + petioles , meq / 100 g . 19 tr . Found inside – Page 1710 Potassium concentrations KCI ( KO ) 74 . 55 1 . 0 M 74 . 55 oo KCI ( K1 ) KÕ xD mm 1500 1500 KCI ( K2 ) KCI ( K2 ) - - 3 . 0 3000 3000 3000 KCI ( K3 ) " 6 . 0 K ci 6000 6000 KC1 ( K4 ) 12 . 0 12000 12000 cl Appendix c Methodology for ... Found inside – Page 34Effect of residual and direct K fertilizer on yield of maize planted after rice , second dry season of 1991 . Grain yield ( t / ha ) Residual K ( kg KCl / ha ) O KCI " ) 50 KCI 100 KCI 150 KCI 5 t / ha2 ) Mean 0 50 100 200 5 t / ha ) 2.35 2.27 3.76 3.77 ... Found inside – Page 121However , at higher concentrations of KCI , ranging from 30 to 40 mM , the mechanical activity was reduced according to ... Therefore , to investigate the characteristics of the K + -induced rhythmic contraction , KCl at 15 mM was applied for the ... Found inside – Page 285An immediate and rapid accumulation of K + was induced by the presence of 10-2m Tris buffer ( cf. ... Other additions as follows : ( a ) o Control +1 : 01 mm KCI ( 6 ) O Control +1.03 mm KCI Control +2.7 mm KCI 10-2M D - Glucose +1 : 02 mM ... Found inside – Page 32Police Probe Complaint K-Ci And JoJo Member Exposed Himself On Stage In LA* HOLIDAY HAPPENING: Season's greetings flowed during a recent holiday showcase. Found inside – Page xixLuis Alberto Rodriguez-Suarez. Figure 37. Postpartum urine excretion of Ca by cows fed different dietary Ca concentrations with -11.2 meq / 100 g of dietary DM ( DCAD : meq [ Na + K ] - [ CI + SJ / 100 g of dietary DM ) prepartum , and +30.8 ... Found inside – Page 307Arrangement of cross sections in the system Na , K || voz , ci KCI 1792 ( NOK ) CI 800 NOCI ( NA , K ) CL ( NGN ) CL ( NA ... K ) CI ( NG NIVO 566 500 5201 ( Na ) KCL ( N0.1 ) 10 NOx ) VO ( Na ) KCI LSIVO 517 SIS ( NO ) KCL Mol , % Figure 3. Found inside – Page 373We would expect , as a consequence of this model , that on a comparison of KCl and KCI : H the V. concentration would ... mobile Ci ions have been suggested ( Lidiard , unpublished ) for the decay of Vk centres in the vicinity of 32 ' K : VE + ... Found inside – Page 237500 and Au Noci . cal / mol AS Macio ( e.ul DA -0.5 ofte hace 0 -1000 • ( No Li ) CI , 1133 K . ( Na , K ) CI . ( Na K ) CI , 1158 K ( Na , Rb ) ci • ( NoRb ) CI , 1123 K o ( No. Cs ) ci . ( NaCs ) CI , 1138 K • ( Na , Li ) ci -1.0 0 0.5 1.0 0.5 1.0 1 - X NOCI ... Found inside – Page 90... ( HOCH2CH2 ) N ( CH2COOH ) 2 N - Hydroxyethyliminodiacetic Acid : HL Ion Method I T ( ° C ) pK , of H2L PK log K log ... 0.1 KCI 0.1 KNO3 0.1 KCI 0.1 KNO3 0.1 KCI 0.1 KNO3 0.1 KCI 0.1 KNO3 0.1 KCI 0.1 KNO3 0.1 KCI 0.1 KNO3 0.1 KCI ... Found inside – Page 110otc Refresh Phis (Allergan) Solution: 0.5% carboxymethylcellulose sodium, calcium chloride, KCI, magnesium chloride, ... KCI, NaCI In 15 and 30 mL otc Teargen (Zenith- Goldline) Solution: 1.4% PVA, 0.01% benzalkonium CI, EDTA, NaCI, ... Found inside – Page 72K-Ci says the band chose not to participate in any video after "Feenin' " because Uptown "wasn't treating us like we'd just sold 3 million albums. Found inside – Page 271 M KCI 0 . 01 M KCI Membrane permeable to cations , but not to anions lists the concentrations of Na + , K + , and Cl - in the extracellular fluid and in the cytoplasmic water of frog skeletal muscle . Intracellular ion concentrations for mammalian ... Found inside – Page 121At the moment the microelectrode was withdrawn the membrane potential had mV – 5 . 4 . K 250 - CI I 10 . 8 - K | 21 . 6 K 125 CI | 62 . 5 - CI 1 43 . 2 K 1 21 . 6 - K 10 , 8 K | 5 . 4 . K 31 . 2 - C1 | 62 . 5 CIT 125 CI | 250 - CI 5 . 4 _ K 43 . 2 - K 1 21 . Found inside – Page 34193 - N8 Effect of concentration of KCI , magnesium acetate and spermine on the ratio of a to B globin chains synthesized . ... 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