Found inside – Page 3281597 , Rice up Hughe , lessee for years of two parts of the manor of Athirdee ... Edward Barnewa ! l of Tankardstown in Dublin co . gent . brother to the ... Found inside – Page 67Calendar NATIONAL AQUATIC ORGANIZATIONS U.S. Diving 901 W. New York St. Indianapolis , IN 46202 ( 317 ) ... RAF / Brother Rice HS Chicagoland Open -- 312-776-5220 12-13 Middleburgh Heights , OH : BMSC Open216-225-9077 13 ... Found inside – Page 98Wife ; five children, Wlilliam Rice, Mary Linton, Thomas Rice, Rebecca Rice and Milly Rice. ... Exc. brother, Peter Paulson, Robert Armstrong; wife, Elenor. Found inside – Page 202From Ardea , in the Patache , the 7th of June 1602 :Donnougl , bastard brother to Florence McCarty ; Donough ... but serving under Connor O'Driscoyle ; David McShane , servant to James Archer , the Jesuit ( son to John Rice , of the Dingle ) ... Found inside – Page 292Brother Bratt '17 , quarterback , and Jeffery '19 , subhalfback , won their letter on the Varsity football team . ... Brother Haworth '19 is historian of his class , while Brother Crocker '19 was chairman of the " soph " banquet committee and a member of the calendar committee . ... Brothers Rice , Gamma Zeta ( who is teaching in the Economics department of the college ) ; Bell , Beta Kappa ; Moore , Gamma Eta ... Found inside – Page 1911114 The resolution consent calendar was ... In a hard - fought victory at the Pontiac Silverdome against a formidable opponent from Birmingham Brother Rice , the Trojans earned the title of Michigan High School Athletic Association Division 2 ... Found inside – Page 502His foolish brother's device to become a rebel . 1580 , Aug. ... [ i.e. , according to the • reformed calendar . ] March 26 . 57. Lord Justice Wallop to same . In behalf of Mr. Rice Mansfield , for a lease of lands forfeited by James Golde . March 26 . Found inside – Page 62The Beauty and Brothers calendars offer 12 months of tantalizing female and male models ... "They sell out as fast as we can print them," said Johnson Rice. Found inside – Page 34Lacking Rice and a Bed . ... On bringing them home , the younger brother put them on and wore them every day , so that his elder brother had no part of the ... Found inside – Page 3586Roger and Thos . , brothers of ? , 87 . .......... , John , Kent , 861 . Anne , wife of , 2645 . daughter of , 861 . John , co . Montgomery , petition of , 2423 . Lewis , 1628 . ......... , Magdalen and Kath . , 1073 . Philip , 1825 . Rice , or Rees , registrar to ... Found inside – Page 58Great Britain , war with ; rice belonging to himself and brother ( British subjects ) ; asks permission to ship same to London . CHARLISS , JOSEPH . Found inside – Page 11 Mr. Watt's br . c . Clone , 3 yrs .............. ...... 2 Mr. Davis's b ... ( Rice ) , beating Lord Palmerston's Ashfield , by Defence out of Biondetta ... Found inside – Page 502His foolish brother's device to become a rebel . 1580 , Aug. ... [ i.e. , according to the reformed calendar . ] March 26 . 57. Lord Justice Wallop to same . In behalf of Mr. Rice Mansfield , for a lease of lands forfeited by James Golde . March 26 . 58. Found inside – Page 608My other brother is a man of the church , and prays for your majesty wheresoever he is . Rowland Morgan , Edward Morgan , Thomas Morgan , Edmund Morgan , Rice Morgan , and Thomas Lewes are the gentlemen of my name and blood ... Found inside – Page 24EDWARD Rice , Brother to the Peer , PRECENTOR and Canon Residentiary of YORK , sool . per Annum . Secretary and Comptroller to the Queen , 500l . per Annum ... Found inside – Page 608My other brother is a man of the church , and prays for your majesty wheresoever he is . Rowland Morgan , Edward Morgan , Thomas Morgan , Edmund Morgan , Rice Morgan , and Thomas Lewes are the gentlemen of my name and blood ... Found inside – Page 19Bluk ! Bluk ! 19 THE ANTIQUE FISH Rio looks for fish in the rice fields . He was happy because he succeeded in getting it . " My old brother , Abu , must be ... Found inside – Page 153His brother and he are about to ship rice to L'Orient . The outlook for peace . Series 6 , vol . 2 , No. 61 . [ 4 ° 4 pages . ) RUTLEDGE , Joux . Found inside – Page 3Hartack's calendar checkerwhen asked Thursday , said be were always indications that Billboarding also would allow ... is a Chicago native the constant friction , " said Hartack , also said if a state steward's job in ( Brother Rice , Class of '69 ) ... Found inside – Page 69Monuments, Mythistory, and the Materialization of Time Prudence M. Rice ... Zipacna's burial place is associated with the west and his brother Earthquake's ... Found inside – Page 202From Ardea , in the Patache , the 7th of June 1602 : Donnough , bastard brother to Florence McCarty ; Donough ... but serving under Connor O'Driscoyle ; David McShane , servant to James Archer , the Jesuit ( son to John Rice , of the Dingle ) ... Found inside – Page 32This was dedicated by the Rice Association on August 29 , 1914 ( this Assoc . is still active today ) . II . THOMAS RICE , son of Edmund Rice and Thomasine Frost , was baptized on 26 January 1625 - 26 ( calendar change ) at Stanstead ... Found inside – Page 202From Ardea , in the Patache , the 7th of June 1602 :Donnough , bastard brother to Florence McCarty ; Donough ... but serving under Connor O'Driscoyle ; David McShane , servant to James Archer , the Jesuit ( son to John Rice , of the Dingle ) ... Found inside – Page 130Rice's gr . m . Mimosa , 5 yrs old , 8st . Iib . ... Ld Egremont's b . c . brother to Grampus , by Whalebone , 8st . 6lb . - Arnull 1 D. of Richmond's ch ... Found inside – Page 45Richard Brace O'Neil , only brother of earl O'Neil , colonel in the arme ... and Standishi Limerick , eity , Thomas Spring Rice , esq . , son - in - law of ... Found inside – Page 359Even the volume of the Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, printed in I860, is so indexed as to perpetuate this error. But there were ... This land joined that of Edmund Rice, who came from Berkhamstead, Eng., in 1638 or 1C39. Thomas ... Found inside – Page 35W. O. Stanley , brother of Lord Stanley of Alderley , CHICHESTER , Sussex , John Abel Smith , Esq . , and Lord Henry ... Kent , Viscount Chelsea , son of Earl Cadogan , and Edw . Royds Rice , Esq . DROITWICH , Worcestershire , Rt . Hon . Found inside – Page 5To Brother [ Gov. W. E. Å TEVENSON7 . Requests a pardon for Terrance Rice , prisoner at Moundsville state prison ; boy and family have always borne good ... Found inside – Page 286Limerick as brother and heir to the said Bartholomew Rice , who died without issue , and to the town and lands of Lismorgan and Gortreagh and the fishing weir in the river Lowne in Kerry as brother and heir to the said Anthony Rice , who ... Found inside – Page 49... visit ENC's Classroom Calendar ( ) and go to the June ... He graduated from Brother Rice , a Christian Brothers high school in ... Found inside – Page 77... crouches as Brother Rice carried the ball as mythical state football champs and official basketball champions ( top right ) in the same calendar year . Found inside – Page 205brother J. D. Fitzpatrick ... to a place outside the United Kingdom and that if still in the United Kingdom at the end of three calendar months , without lawful cause , he shall be transported for ... To Edmund Rice and his fifty - six Christian Brothers. Found inside – Page 67RICE , only brother of the Earl of CAMBRIDGE BOROUGH . Orkney . ( T'aplow , in this county . ) Fitzroy Kelly , esq . , a queen's CHARLES ROBERT Scott MUR- ... Found inside – Page 360... Lord Broke , Lord Willoughby , Lord Hawarde with his brother Edmond , and the Lord Treasurer's men ; -Sir Maurice Berkeley ( marshal ) , Sir Henry Willoughby ( master of the Ordnance ) , Sir Wm . Sands ( treasurer of War ) , Sir Griffith Rice ... Found inside – Page 180To Philip Hogate , Ann Timberman and Hannah Timberman ( children of brother Samuel Hogate ) and Jonathan Hogate ( son of brother Christopher Hogate ) , the real ... Fellowbondsmen - Ebenezer Adams and Joseph Rice ; all of said Lib . Found inside – Page 465Queen , bk . b . , ( Mr. Whittaker's ) 314 ; br . b . ( Mr. A. Kidd's ) ... Rattlesnake , bk . d . , by Dunkeld , out of Motacilla ( Mr. Rice's ) 320 . Raven , bk , b . ... Rector , bd . d . , by Brother to King Cob , out of ( Mr. R. Scott's ) 386 , 396 . Rector , bd . d . Found inside – Page 714I. Wm . , brother of John , 385 . Raynes , Fras . , 739. VI . , 1848 . Read or Reid , Robt . , 199 . petition of , 778 . license to , 779 . .... , his brother , 199 . .... , Edmund , of the Council of Barbadoes , 1 , 129 , 534 ... Rice , Wm . , petition of , 1629 . Found inside – Page 62Brothers Capen , '10 , and Cook , '10 , are on the ' Varsity basketball team , and Brother Ward , '13 , is on the squad . Brothers McClure ... The largest social affair on the Minnesota's calendar is the Junior Ball , which comes off February 4th . Brother Taylor ... Brother Rice , of Beta Phi , visited our chapter during the holidays . Found inside – Page 30... home Immaculate Conception are not immediately schooled for less than 270 calendar days . eligible at any other school . ... as previously ments . with his grandparents within the St. Louis Bloomfield Hills - Brother Rice High School District . Found inside – Page 18... Rice - horses admitted ; second horse saved his stake - One mile and a half ... Normauby , 8st 4lb 0 0 dr Mr Barry's blc Barrymore , ( brother to Kate ) ... How would the world have changed? This is a look at the history that could have been—one that stretches across centuries, sees dynasties and nations rise and crumble, and spans horrible famine and magnificent innovation. Found inside – Page 120George A. Rice's ch . c . Jim Crow , by Jack Malone , dan ... Joseph McConckly's b . or br . c . Dublin , by imp . Australian , dam ... George T. Allman's ch . c . , by Watson , dam Sultana , by brother to Peytona . 2. George T. Allman's ch . c . , by ... Found inside – Page 292Brother Bratt '17 , quarterback , and Jeffery '19 , subhalfback , won their letter on the Varsity football team . ... Brother Haworth '19 is historian of his class , while Brother Crocker '19 was chairman of the " soph " banquet committee and a member of the calendar committee . ... Brothers Rice , Gamma Zeta ( who is teaching in the Economics department of the college ) ; Bell , Beta Kappa ; Moore , Gamma Eta ... Found inside... every day before going for lunch to a fish-curry-rice joint near the Colva church. ... The calendar had this big picture of two girls in red bikinis, ... Found inside – Page 205A. Arnold , Rice , Bly , & Co. , Ingalls & Tyler , Cady & Brother , Mills & Smith , J. Q. Robinson & Son , Dry Goods and Groceries ; Wm . Martin , A. W. ... Found inside – Page xiiKATHERINE , 3rd daughter and co - heiress of Rice Griffith , of St. Martin - in - the - Fields , co . Middlesex , esq . ... Devon . , 1671 ; commanded the Ed- don ; matriculated there esq . , eldest brother of gar , frigate , and was slain 11th Dec. Found inside – Page 483See Ker , Reresby , Captain Edmund , commission Mary , Lady Bellenden . in company of , 392 . ... Rice , Anthony , 286 . ... 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